
woensdag 24 februari 2021

WOYWW 24-2-2021 Winter ? Lente ?


De ene dag lag er veel sneeuw en.....

One day there was a lot of snow and....


de volgende dag voelde het als voorjaar! 

the next day it felt like Spring!



sneeuwduinen en een hek dat amper open kon....

snow dunes at the gate....


de volgende dag de klimop te lijf met de snoeischaar!

the next day fighting the ivy with the pruning shears!



iedere dag een paar steekjes aan de quilt, je kunt wel zien met welk garen ;-)

every day I make some quiltstitches , you can see with which colour ;-)

Voordat de lente losbarst met veel buitenwerk nog ruim de tijd nemen om te lezen...kranten...boeken.

De trilogie van Carmen Korn vindt ik een aanrader: het beschrijft de levens van 4 Duitse vrouwen en hun nazaten van de tijd na de 1e Wereldoorlog tot het heden...helaas had de bibliotheek alleen het 3e deel in het Duits.

De kracht van breien van Loretta Napoleoni is gisteren gekomen, lijkt me interessant. Napoleoni is terrorisme-expert en daarnaast breister! Breien zou je volgens mij kunnen vervangen door: haken, quilten, kaarten maken etc. 



Before Spring is coming with lots of work in the garden and outside there is time to read...papers...books.

The trilogy by Carmen Korn (this is the third book) is fascinating: it tells stories about the lifes of 4 women and their children and grand-children from after World War I untill today.

The Power of Knitting by Loretta Napoleoni came yesterday from the Library. She is a terrorism expert and a knitter, how fascinating!About how lessons in knitting can also be lessons for life. I think you can knitting replace by quilting, making cards, crochet... (the card was attached to the library books, to wish the reader a good time in these pandemic times...very nice)

En wat ligt er op mijn werktafel?


And what´s on my work-desk?


een lap mooie aqua fleece en patronen...wordt het een sweatshirt, een hoodie of een sweatjurk? Moeilijk te beslissen.....

a piece of fleece in an aqua colour and patterns...will it be a sweatshirt, a hoodie or a sweat-dress? Hard to decide....

Een hele fijne dag en week gewenst!

Wishing you a wonderful day and week!



14 opmerkingen:

  1. How odd that you had all that snow one day and it has disappeared the next! You’re making some lovely things and that aqua fleece will make a fantastic hoodie or whatever!
    HUgs LLJ 5 xxx

  2. It is amazing how the weather can change overnight Francisca. Enjoy the quiting and deciding what to make with that lovely fabric. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. When the snow suddenly disappears like that, you wonder if you dreamt it! That terrorism / knitting book sounds very intriguing! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #14

  4. I think it's that time of the year when the weather is unpredictable but it looks like you have plenty to keep you occupied. Have a lovely week and happy woyww, Angela x19x

  5. De natuur heeft me de afgelopen weken weer verbaasd. Ben wel heel blij dat de sneeuw weg is. Succes met je fleece-lap.

  6. what a difference a day makes! Glad you're keeping busy. Helen #10

  7. Yes it's been very much the same in the UK, the weather seems to make up its own mind how it wants the day to be. What a handy cotton reel holder, I love the idea that you can see what colour to use so easily. I hope you decide what to make with the fleece, lovely colour.
    Best wishes this WoywW Tracey #4

  8. Oh that is a lovely colour fleece, for me it would be the dress option! The weather is strange isn’t it, I mean, the snow makes it look like a very deep and settled winter! I’m slightly putting off the outdoor work, it’s so wet out there, even the lawn is sodden and the thought of clearing up the winter and making mud has out me off a bit! Thanks for the acarmen Koran recommendation, I will be on the lookout for that.

  9. Wat leuk weer een blogje van jou. Ja, het weer is inderdaad verrassend. Maar na die lange periode binnen zitten is het heerlijk dat we nu de ramen en deuren weer kunnen opengooien. Je bent lekker bezig. Nog een fijne zonnige dag. Groetjes Wilma Oud

  10. Yes the weather is a constant topic of conversation over here, you never know what you are going to get! Have fun with your sewing Angela #31

  11. Lovely colour of fabric! I wonder what you will decide to make... The contrast in the photos is amazing!
    Happy WOYWW! #8

  12. Oh to have such signs of Spring! How wonderful and hopeful! Glad you are enjoying your books, and that fleece does look nice and warm, I was intrigued by the possibility of making a sweat-dress! Have a great week, Lindart #36

  13. What a lovely post, Francisca. It#s amazing how camouflaged a spotted dog is against the snow! Lovely snowy pictures. Here in the SW of the UK, spring is coming with lots of daffodils and primroses coming out, which I love. I love your pincushion with the sections for the quilting threads - what a great idea. I hope you enjoy reading your new books, and I think you should make the dress with that gorgeous fabric!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  14. Sorry so late, my new laptop is silver and I can't see the letters so it takes me ages to type anything! (and when I look up, all the letters are in the wrong place! The snow went quickly! We haven;t had any yet, and probably won't. The fleece is a very pretty colour! I'd be too scarrrred to cut into to it!Stay safe!
    Stay safe! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #6
